A flexible, transparent design that welcomes and stimulates. With a sense of space and discovery, both practically and visually.

Studio TOIMII was asked to develop the interior of a temporary space for education, experiment and exposition. A place for discovery, encounter and inspiration. To learn, experiment, exchange and develop together.

The vacant space was built with minimal resources under a sheet pile ceiling. Within this rather rough and industrial context, we aimed to create an open, friendly and inviting atmosphere, while keeping the tactility and playful potential of the space within reach. No static, defined borders, but a flexible, transparent design that welcomes and stimulates. With a sense of space and discovery, both practically and visually.

A repetitive grid-based design, that could be transformed for multidisciplinary purposes. To create an open and inviting atmosphere, keeping the tactility and playful potential of the space within reach.

Due to the temporality of the interior, it seemed self-evident and fundamental to develop the interior based on a circular idea. Which, in addition to being sustainable, should also be durable, in order to be able to be disassembled and reused or recycled after finally leaving the place.

Due to its varied users and guests, we came up with the idea to create a furnishing solution that could be transformed for different uses and purposes. This resulted in a repetitive grid-based design of a mobile frame construction on wheels, covered with a sheet material. Creating a playful framework within a consistent grid, keeping it calm and practical.

From this modular frame construction, various compositions can be realized. Such as mobile benches and bleachers, presentation furniture, work benches or storage cabinets. The construction had to be built from easily replaceable or recyclable, sustainable materials; steel tube frames with plywood sheets, finished with furnishing linoleum made from all-natural ingredients. Facilitating the multidisciplinary functions of the space while inviting its user to explore and play.